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Table 2 Descriptive statistics for all stress response measurements during simulation-training sessions

From: Stress responses in surgical trainees during simulation-based training courses in laparoscopy

Stress measurements

Resting conditions


P.O.P. trainer

LAP Mentorâ„¢

Number of participants

HRV variables

SDNN (ms)

77.3 ± 18.7

58.5 ± 23.4*

55.7 ± 17.4**

59.1 ± 18.5**

N = 22#

RMSSD (ms)

48.4 ± 15.7

33.8 ± 26.8

32.4 ± 17.1**

34.3 ± 19.7**

N = 22#


3.20 ± 2.40

4.58 ± 2.71*

4.38 ± 2.63

4.71 ± 2.64*

N = 23#

Stress hormone activity

Saliva cortisol (nmol/L)

2.26 ± 1.14

3.48 ± 1.92*

3.40 ± 3.62

3.11 ± 2.71

N = 24

Self-reported stress score



7.9 ± 2.1

12.3 ± 3.9*

12.1 ± 3.9*

9.9 ± 3.0*

N = 24

  1. SD = standard deviation, N = number of participants, Saliva cortisol in nmol/L, STAI-6 = State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, the 6 item questionnaire, Mean = arithmetic mean, HRV variables: SDNN = standard deviation of all R-R intervals in ms, RMSSD = square root of the mean of the sum of the squares of differences between adjacent R-R intervals in ms, and LF/HF ratio, ratio of low-frequency (LF) to high-frequency power (HF), unitless
  2. * Significant compared to resting conditions, P < 0.05
  3. ** Significant compared to resting conditions, P < 0.001
  4. # Two/one participant(s) with missing data are excluded