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Table 6 Comparison of the SAQ test items generated by ChatGPT for pre-clerkship phase and graduating students

From: Artificial intelligence and medical education: application in classroom instruction and student assessment using a pharmacology & therapeutics case study

Pre-clerkship phase

At graduation

How does sympathetic nervous system activation affect blood pressure?

How does sympathetic nervous system activation affect blood pressure, and how can medications targeting this system be used to manage hypertension?

What are pathological changes that occur in the systemic blood vessels in hypertension?

What are pathological changes that occur in the systemic blood vessels in hypertension, and how do these changes contribute to cardiovascular complications?

What are non-pharmacological treatment options in hypertension?

What are non-pharmacological treatment options in hypertension, and how effective are they in managing this condition?

What are the pharmacological treatment options for hypertension?

What are the pharmacological treatment options for hypertension, and how do they work?