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Table 2 Correctness of knowledge

From: Knowledge, attitudes, and practice toward postoperative cognitive dysfunction among anesthesiologists in China: a cross-sectional study


Correct rate, n (%)

Multiple choice:


  Possible pathogenesis of POCD

711 (68.9)

  POCD is postoperative delirium (False)

823 (79.8)

  The anesthetic drugs that tend to cause POCD

240 (23.3)

  Risk factors for POCD

959 (92.9)

  Hazards of POCD

949 (92.0)

The central nervous system (CNS) is the target organ of almost all anesthetic and analgesic drugs, so it makes intuitive sense to evaluate the CNS before anesthetic drugs significantly alter its function

949 (92.0)

The cognitive functioning assessment scale that can be used for diagnosis in the perioperative period

967 (93.7)

Hyperventilation, hypotension, and hypoxia can cause POCD during surgery

997 (96.6)

Type of surgery does not cause POCD

912 (88.4)

The biomarkers that cause POCD

721 (69.9)

Treatment of POCD

416 (40.3)

The effective measures to prevent the development of POCD

963 (93.3)