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Table 2 Improvements attendees suggested for a large-scale virtual conference

From: Voices of conference attendees: how should future hybrid conferences be designed?


Large-scale virtual conference improvements

(Total N = 361)

Code from directed content analysis

% (N)*

Opportunities for interaction between all members (e.g., attendees, speakers, patients)

23.3 (N = 84)

Technical Improvements

22.4 (N = 81)

Increased variation of topics

14.4 (N = 52)

Less simultaneous virtual sessions

11.4 (N = 41)

Recordings available for longer

9.7(N = 35)

Consideration of different time zones/languages

5.8 (N = 21)

Move to Hybrid form with in-person component

5.5 (N = 20)

Clinical skills sessions

4.2 (N = 15)

Lower costs

1.9 (N = 7)

Opportunities to interact with experts

1.4 (N = 5)

  1. * Frequencies less than five were omitted.