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Table 2 Pediatric Environmental Health Resources

From: Developing and implementing core competencies in children’s environmental health for students, trainees and healthcare providers: a narrative review

Clinical Consultations for Physicians

Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit (PEHSU)

Experts at your regional PEHSU can provide consultations on the prevention, diagnosis, and management of environmentally-related illness.

Evidence-Based EH Information to Use in Clinical Practice

Pediatric Environmental Health Toolkit

Online reference tool (mobile-device friendly) for evidence-based information on environmental hazards, prevention strategies, and patient resources. Endorsed by AAP, Physicians for Social Responsibility, PEHSU.

Prescriptions for Prevention

Evidence-based concise information for families, available in English and Spanish. The front of each prescription explains simple steps for reducing the exposure, and the back lists key resources that families can use to help address the concern.

National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF)

EH history forms (general and for asthmatics) in English and Spanish.

AAP: Pediatric Environmental Health (“The Green Book”)

AAP: EH Policy Statements and Technical Reports

Environmental Risks to Children: Prioritizing Health Messages in Pediatric Practice

Galvez and Balk. Pediatrics in Review. 2017Jun1;38(6):263–79.

EH Data Resources

CDC National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals

Summary biomonitoring data on 352 environmental chemicals in a nationally representative sample of the US population (1999 through 2016; using NHANES study population)

CDC National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network

Standardized health, environmental, and hazard data from multiple information systems with easy-to-explore data portals that allow for customized maps, tables, and charts of local, state, and national data.

WHO. Ambient air pollution attributable deaths

Interactive map with data


Interactive maps that provide current air quality data where you live, U.S. as well as internationally. Also Fire and Smoke Maps

IPCC Working Group 1, Sixth Assessment Report Interactive Atlas

A flexible spatial and temporal analyses to see the observed and projected climate change regional information

Educational Modules for Trainees and Practitioners

Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit (PEHSU)

PEHSU website has a national “classroom” with online course, webinars (offering Continuing Education Credit) and factsheets, could be applied to trainees and providers. Some fact sheets translated into Spanish.

Pediatric Environmental Health Interactive Curriculum

This is an easy to administer environmental health curriculum, which meets ACGME requirements, and aims to teach pediatric residents’ proficiency in environmental health and establish a foundation of knowledge upon which they will expand during their careers.

A Story of Health

Multimedia eBook that explores how environments interact with a person’s genes to influence health across the lifespan, told through the lives of fictional characters and their families.

Children’s Environmental Health Network (CEHN)

This multidisciplinary advocacy organization provides Power point modules and user guides to incorporate pediatric EH into training. It also has training modules for child care professionals.

WHO Training Modules and instructions for health care providers

Power point type slide decks, with notes and instructions on numerous topics related to children environmental health which can be used for self-directed learning and/or adapted for teaching at any level of student or professional. Also provided is an example of post-workshop knowledge evaluation as a download

The Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health on Climate & Health

Comprehensive teaching materials and resources relevant to climate change, for teaching and learning at all levels: health educators (for health professional student-slide shows, links to courses, nine short slide decks) other teaching resources targeted to health professionals (recordings and slide decks), patients, and community, as well as Webinars for CME