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Table 4 Content of curriculum by specialties

From: Teaching and assessing communication skills in the postgraduate medical setting: a systematic scoping review

Communication skill


Internal Medicine

Family Medicine



Others (including Radiology, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Anaesthesia, Accident & Emergency, Trauma)

1. Create and sustain a therapeutic relationship with patients and families

a. Structuring the consultation

Opening the discussion by setting the agenda and expectations




[16, 160,161,162]

Utilising simple, clear language and effective questioning skills to gather information

[37, 126]




[17, 102, 131, 161, 163, 164]

Sharing information effectively




[131, 161]

Checking patient understanding


[165, 166]


Shared decision making

[103, 126]

[165, 167]


[129, 149]

[160, 162]

Providing closure to consult



[161, 162]





b. Building the physician-patient relationship

Making patient/patient’s family feel at ease


[153, 168, 169]

Showing empathy


[166, 167]

[36, 111]

[114, 152]

[102, 138, 153, 164, 170, 171]

Showing respect



[102, 104]

Convey understanding of concerns



Understanding the patient’s perspective

[126, 172]

[134, 165, 166]


[102, 153, 162, 164, 169, 171]

Eliciting patient’s wishes, needs, concerns and expectations




[16, 163, 170]

Identifying patient’s health literacy levels




Motivational interviewing and counselling


[140, 165, 174, 175]




Employing verbal and non-verbal skills


[22, 134]



[138, 163, 164]

Listening skills


[17, 102, 138, 147, 163, 164, 171]

Non-judgmental communication



Managing patients’ emotions

[11, 177]



[3, 118, 129, 173]

[17, 138, 160]

Culturally and linguistically appropriate communication





[102, 147, 163, 171]

How to interact when patient’s relatives are present




How to communicate with patient indirectly through interpreters or over telephone consultations






Communication with adolescents



Communicating with 'difficult' patients or family members or emotional patients

[146, 151]


[111, 146]


[34, 146, 162, 163]

Handling family conflict



Dealing with mismatched expectations



Conducting family discussions






Communication clarity



c. Context-specific skills

i. End-of-life communication

Using the word ‘dying’



Conducting goals of care and advance care planning conversations

[177, 179, 180]



[16, 92, 124, 171]

Discussing pain management



Eliciting Do Not Resuscitate orders




Responding to euthanasia requests



Sharing prognostic information with patients



[114, 129]

[16, 105]

Preparing for death




Managing patient’s reactions





Maintaining patient's welfare



Supporting patient’s decision



Offering organ donation



Pronouncing death




ii. Difficult conversations with seriously ill patients

Explaining a patient’s worsening condition



Explaining that treatments are not indicated





Discussing whether to forego life-sustaining treatment



Transitioning to palliative care



[3, 114, 149]

[133, 153]

iii. Other contexts

Breaking bad news

[11, 146, 151, 178]

[130, 175, 178]

[12, 32, 36, 119, 127, 146, 186]

[3, 114, 115, 118, 129, 139, 149, 152, 173, 187]

[6, 7, 108, 113, 124, 131, 133, 141, 146, 153, 162, 163, 170, 185, 188]

Disclosure of medical complications


[32, 137]



Navigating situations with ethical issues



Disclosure of medical errors and apology

[99, 151, 189]


[36, 127]



Discussing risks/benefits of procedures and obtaining informed consent

[146, 151]


[119, 146, 186]


[6, 146, 170]

New medication and discharge counselling



2. Work effectively as a member or leader of a health care team

Managing disagreements between colleagues




Working with ‘difficult’ colleagues



Oral presentations and giving feedback



[7, 190]

Leadership skills





Interprofessional communication

[99, 192, 193]




[7, 190]

Writing skills, especially for documentation



Persuasive communication



Reporting findings in a letter to the general practitioner

