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Table 2 Differences of behavior and experience patterns in MBI and Brief COPE subscales at t5

From: Stress and behavior patterns throughout medical education – a six year longitudinal study


Pattern G: Health

Pattern S: Unambitious

Risk pattern A: Overexertion

Risk pattern B: Burnout

P < .05

M (SD)

M (SD)

M (SD)

M (SD)


3.09 (0.89)

3.05 (0.95)

4.32 (1.13)

4.31 (1.42)

G-A, G-B, S-A, S-B


1.85 (1.00)

2.26 (1.33)

2.44 (1.22)

3.45 (2.03)

G-S, G-A, G-B, S-B, A-B


5.57 (0.79)

4.80 (1.01)

4.93 (0.91)

4.01 (0.73)

G-S, G-A, G-B, S-B, A-B

Functional coping

2.87 (0.35)

2.81 (0.35)

2.50 (0.45)

2.43 (0.39)

G-A, G-B, S-A, S-B

Dysfunctional coping

1.86 (0.26)

1.90 (0.25)

2.01 (0.26)

2.15 (0.40)

G-B, S-B