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Table 1 Code, subcategories and categories

From: Challenges and opportunities from the COVID-19 pandemic in medical education: a qualitative study




Factors effective in the development of medical e-learning

Perception on feasibility of e-learning

Content type, complexity, theoretical or practical focus, feasibility of virtualization

Standardizing of e-learning

Determining standards, online or offline presentation, multimedia use, determining the quality of delivery, determining expected minimums, avoidance of individual preferences

Dedicated teaching

Teams for technical support and troubleshooting, user-friendly software, internship, preparing and supporting people, providing development opportunities, organizing educational resources, providing feedback.

Networking and interdisciplinary collaborations

Group participation, international interaction, intersectional cooperation, presence of scholars in programs, participation of diverse people

Advantages and disadvantages

Attitudes to e-learning and adaptability

Decreased individual resistance, improved attitude, engagement in e-learning, developing e-learning, more flexibility, attitude change, getting used to e-learning, improving digital media skills and knowledge, familiarity with e-learning methods, learning different software, different proficiency levels

Preventing students’ separation from the educational environment

Similarity of e-learning to face-to-face classes, increasing educational engagement, not being separated from the learning process, keeping people in the educational environment, self-directed learning

Documentation and monitoring of education

Recording educational activities, more monitoring of educational activities, saving learning and teaching activities, possibility of lesson retrieval and review

Take control of own learning

Ability to reviewing content, coordinated learning according to individuals’ time and pace, reflection on content and procedures, ability to pause and think about the subject

Increasing perceived usefulness

Perceiving the usefulness of e-learning, positive attitude towards e-learning, believing in the effectiveness of virtual learning

Noncompliance with virtual classroom etiquette

Doubts about behaviors in virtual space, unfamiliarity with virtual learning, lack of students’ commitment to presence, lack of punctuality, inappropriate clothing, lack of professional behavior

Inadequate interactions

Interactional clinical teaching, inadequate opportunities for participation, lack of face-to-face interaction, one-sided discussions

Time limitations

Time-consuming content preparation, time shortage, spending more time on teaching, time allocation for learning software

Infrastructure defects and problems

Low internet speed, problems with uploading contents, problems with downloading information, weak support, web quality, inadequate computer hardware, software problems

Evaluation of e-learning

Formative evaluation

Summative evaluation

Diagnostic evaluations, mechanism of individual assessment, holding open-book tests, constant, continuous and regular student assessment, developing high-taxonomy-level questions