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Table 1 Summary of participant demographic information (n = 778)

From: Configurations for obtaining in-consultation assistance from supervisors in general practice training, and patient-related barriers to trainee help-seeking: a survey study

Trainee Gender

female n = 452 (58.1%)

male n = 326 (41.9%)

Trainee Australian or overseas primary medical qualification

Australian n = 643 (82.7%)

Trainee Term of Training [1,2,3]

Term 1 n = 482 (62.0%)

Term 2 n = 77 (9.9%)

Term 3 n = 219 (28.2%)

Trainee working part-time or full-time in general practice

Part-time n = 176 (23.1%)

Full-time n = 586 (76.9%)

Trainee post-graduate medical qualifications

Yes n = 305 (39.5%)

Years worked as medical practitioner prior to GP training

Mean (SD) = 3.4 (3.1) Years

First term in current training practice

Yes n = 85 (11.1%)

Rurality of current practice (ASGC-RA) a

Remote/outer regional n = 81 (10.4%)

Inner regional n = 215 (27.7%)

Major city n = 481 (61.9%)

Relative socioeconomic advantage of current practice (SEIFA index)a

Mean (SD) = 5.5 (2.9)

Size of current training practiceb

Small n = 332 (43.8%)

Large n = 426 (56.2%)

  1. aIncreased rurality indicated by higher ASGC-RA, and more disadvantaged locations indicated by lower SEIFA
  2. bsmall ≤5 FTE GPs; large ≥6 FTE GPs