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Table 3 Total sum scores of indicators of clinical reasoning and factors of clinical reasoning of all participating students per simulated patient

From: Assessing clinical reasoning in undergraduate medical students during history taking with an empirically derived scale for clinical reasoning indicators

Patient cases

Sum score

Factor 1

Factor 2

Factor 3

M ± SD

M ± SD

M ± SD

M ± SD

Patient 1: 42-year-old female with palpitations

27.15 ± 4.16

3.55 ± .67***

3.89 ± .48*

2.42 ± .90*

Patient 2: 53-year-old male with fatigue and hemoptysis

28.17 ± 3.67

3.92 ± .58***

3.73 ± .54

2.62 ± .90*

Patient 3: 58-year-old female with abdominal pain

30.35 ± 3.52

4.45 ± .50***

3.68 ± .46

2.98 ± .99

Patient 4: 54-year-old male with flank pain

28.55 ± 3.46

4.09 ± .48**

3.59 ± .56

2.76 ± .85*

Patient 5: 36-year-old female with rheumatoid arthritis and fever

30.57 ± 3.85

4.36 ± .55

3.72 ± .47

3.17 ± 1.04

  1. Factor 1: ***p ≤ .001: patient 1 versus patient 2, 3, 4, and 5; patient 2 versus patient 3 and 5, patient 3 versus patient 4. **p ≤ .01: patient 4 versus patient 5
  2. Factor 2: *p < .05: patient 1 versus patient 3 and 4
  3. Factor 3: *p < .05: patient 1 versus patient 3, 4 and 5; patient 2 versus patient 3 and 5; patient 4 versus patient 5