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Table 3 Reporting behaviour of junior doctors - Pre and post intervention reporting levels

From: The co-design, implementation and evaluation of a serious board game ‘PlayDecide patient safety’ to educate junior doctors about patient safety and the importance of reporting safety concerns


Hospital A Interns

Hospital A SHOs

Hospital B Interns

Pre intervention

25 interns (25.3%) had witnessed an incident

0% formally reported it

16 SHOs (30.2%) witnessed an incident

9 of these (56.3%) formally reported it. 6 (66.7%) of them stated they received a satisfactory response while 11.1% stated that they did not.

47 interns (33.3%) had witnessed an incident

13 interns (27.7%) formally reported it

Post intervention

13 interns (26.5%) had witnessed an incident

4 (30.8%) reported it and 50% of those received a satisfactory response

16 SHOs witnessed an incident; representing an increased proportion of respondents (66.7%)

10 (62.5%) formally reported the incident, with 40% receiving a satisfactory response, 50% not receiving a satisfactory response

The percentage of the sample witnessing an incident remained constant at 33.3% (n = 18)

7 (38.9%) of those formally reported the incident