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Table 4 Spearman’s rank correlation between MMI and study measures

From: Validity evidence for the Hamburg multiple mini-interview


1. MMI

2. Trait EI (TEIQue-SF)

3. Emotion Management


4. GP psychosocial competencies

5. GP suitability

Study 1:

 2. Trait EI (TEIQue-SF)

.07 (−.19/.30), n = 69


 3. Emotion Management (STEM)

.05 (−.17/.27), n = 69

.16* (.03/.28), n = 247


Study 2:

 4. GP psychosocial competencies

.32* (.04/.55), n = 59

−.14 (−.43/.15), n = 44

−.07 (−.38/.25), n = 44


 5. GP suitability

.42** (.17/.64), n = 58

−.15 (−.42/.15), n = 44

.01 (−.31/.36), n = 44

.71** (.62/.79), n = 193


Study 3:

 6. OSCE

.23* (.03/.41), n = 89

.12 (−.13/.34), n = 67

−.06 (−.30/.19), n = 67

.08 (−.08/.24), n = 181

.15 (−.002/.29), n = 180

  1. * p < .05, ** p < .01
  2. 95% confidence interval in parentheses
  3. MMI = multiple mini-interview, EI = emotional intelligence, TEIQue-SF = Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire Short Form, STEM = Situational Test of Emotion Management, GP = general practice, OSCE = objective structured clinical examination