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Table 6 Student (N = 146) perceptions of the capstone MMI

From: Using the multiple mini interview as an assessment strategy within the first year of a health professions curriculum

Survey Item

Strongly Agree N (%)


N (%)

The MMIs allowed me to demonstrate my communication skills effectively

34 (23.29)

84 (57.53)

The MMIs allowed me to demonstrate my critical thinking skills effectively

34 (23.29)

81 (55.48)

The MMIs allowed me to demonstrate my collaboration skills effectively

29 (19.86)

74 (50.68)

The MMIs allowed me to demonstrate my knowledge of pharmacy effectively

13 (8.90)

79 (54.11)

I understand how to use feedback on my MMI performance during immersion

26 (17.81)

66 (45.21)

  1. All items measured from 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree)