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Table 1 The TWED Checklist

From: Investing in the use of a checklist during differential diagnoses consideration: what’s the trade-off?

T = life or limb Threat

W = Wrong?

(What are the life or limb threatening conditions in this patient?)

(What if I am wrong? What else could it be?)

This quadrant encapsulates the rule-out-worse-case scenarios (ROWS) heuristics as a form of cognitive forcing strategy as well as to de-bias anchoring and triage cueing

To de-bias search satisficing, anchoring, confirmation, availability biases, etc

E = Evidences

D = Dispositional factors

(Do I have sufficient evidences for or exclude this diagnose?)

(What are the Environmental & Emotional (2Es) dispositions influencingmy decision?)

To de-bias anchoring, confirmation bias, blind spot, myside bias, ego bias, etc

These dispositional factors that may affect our decision making. Examples: Environmental – chaotic, busy working place, Emotional – sleepiness, tiredness, anger