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Table 1 Positive examples of group participation and contributions

From: Using peer review to distribute group work marks equitably between medical students

Arriving punctually at meetings


Contributing to class discussions, including both questioning and answering


Using positive listening skills (e.g. paying attention when a colleague is speaking, being interested, positive body language, and sharing one’s own perspective in a productive and supportive manner)


Responding to other students during discussion


Being prepared to discuss questions, problems and other issues in class


Active behaviors (e.g. collecting or analyzing data, writing and presenting)


Summarizing group notes recorded during class and posting them online in collaborative project management platforms (e.g. Yahoo! Groups, Google Docs and Dropbox)


Managing group work (e.g. being a time-keeper, keeping people on track for tasks and organizing people)


Giving feedback to fellow students on their work, either in class or online


Posting on online discussion boards (e.g. Facebook and Wikispaces), beginning or adding to discussions


Collaboration in class, outside class and in online activities


Sharing learning and research resources with fellow students


Teaching fellow students research skills