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Table 2 Telephone interviews: sample quotes on barriers to reporting

From: Socialization to professionalism in medical schools: a Canadian experience

1. Fear of Negative repercussions:

“[Residents are] worried about future job prospects and evaluation”

“For students, fear of reporting a faculty member or resident because they are being evaluated by them.”

“For staff/faculty… receiving a negative evaluation by the student, especially when faculty need to have valid positive evaluations when going for a promotion or if program is being evaluated by accreditation.”

“..reporting being perceived as subjective, but people are getting more comfortable…”

2. Too much work involved

“[The] amount of effort and work involved. I think people perceive it to be more work for themselves!”

3. Futile

“[Many people] feel nothing is going to be done anyways (laissez faire) – pointless. They are not going to invoke change anyway. Nobody is going to do anything anyway