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Table 1 Patient Education Checklist (PEC)

From: Development of medication-related counselling skills in senior medical students: a checklist-based approach

Purpose of the prescribed medication/medications

Frequency & Duration of intake

Onset of action & Relevance of compliance

Relation to time (eg. meal times, bedtime)

Potential ADRs (including phototoxicity, teratogenic actions etc)

Any action required (eg. Stop med/report)

Exercise caution regarding the level of details so as not to scare the patient from taking the drug altogether.

Dietary restrictions or alcohol limitation/abstinence required

Drug Interactions (including herbals/OTC products; particularly relevant in polypharmacy)

Driving restriction required

Administration Technique optimised/demonstrated

Consequences of missed doses/abrupt discontinuation

Lab investigations required/ scheduled

Non-pharmacological/lifestyle advice (if needed)

Check with patient if they have any questions/ issues regarding their medicines