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Table 1 MERSQI scores and paired comparisons between conference abstracts, journal abstracts, and published articles

From: Conference presentation to publication: a retrospective study evaluating quality of abstracts and journal articles in medical education research



Paired Comparisonb

MERSQI Domain (Max Pts)





Conf Abs

Jour Abs

Pub Art

B vs A

C vs A

C vs B

Study design (3)

1.54 (0.54)

1.49 (0.55)

1.50 (0.55)





1.34 (0.82)

1.29 (0.70)

1.59 (0.82)




No. of institutions (1.5)

0.74 (0.43)

0.75 (0.43)

0.75 (0.43)




Response rate (1.5)

0.60 (0.52)

0.54 (0.47)

0.83 (0.63)




Type of data (3)

2.13 (1.00)

2.39 (0.93)

2.35 (0.95)





0.28 (0.62)

0.26 (0.57)

1.04 (1.01)




Internal structure (1)

0.11 (0.31)

0.07 (0.25)

0.26 (0.44)




Content (1)

0.13 (0.34)

0.20 (0.40)

0.59 (0.50)




Relationships to variables (1)

0.04 (0.21)

0.00 (0.00)

0.20 (0.40)




Data analysis

2.43 (0.50)

2.70 (0.66)

3.00 (0.00)




Appropriateness (1)

0.54 (0.50)

0.89 (0.31)

1.00 (0.00)




Complexity (2)

1.89 (0.31)

1.80 (0.40)

2.00 (0.00)




Outcomes (3)

1.95 (0.63)

1.83 (0.66)

1.85 (0.67)




Total (18)

9.67 (1.88)

9.96 (2.29)

11.33 (1.82)




  1. Abbreviations: Abs abstract, Art article, Conf conference, Jour journal, Max Pts maximum points, MERSQI Medical Education Research Study Quality Instrument
  2. aValues are mean (SD) score
  3. bSigned rank P values