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Table 1 Questionnaire themes and components

From: Research involvement among undergraduate health sciences students: a cross-sectional study

Theme and components


Analysis variable

Voluntary research involvement (4 questions: I am/have…)

1. Currently working on a voluntary research project.

Yes / No

Binary (Yes to any of the four vs. no to all four).

2. Previously completed a voluntary research project.

3. Previously presented your research at a congress or conference.

4. Previously published your research in a medical journal.

Self-perceived research competence (8 questions: I am competent in…)

1. Searching the literature.

5-point Likert scales (strongly agree (assigned 5) to strongly disagree (assigned 1))

Continuous (Score out of 40 as a percentage).

2. Understanding and interpreting medical literature.

3. Designing a research study.

4. Conducting a research study.

5. Analysing and interpreting data from a research study.

6. Writing a medical paper/article.

7. Knowing how to find a suitable research supervisor/mentor in my faculty.

8. Knowing how to get involved with research and start my own research project.

Future research participation (4 questions: I am…)

1. Currently interested in pursuing a research project.

5-point Likert scales (strongly agree (assigned 5) to strongly disagree (assigned 1))

Continuous (Score out of 20 as a percentage).

2. Likely to get involved with research before graduating.

3. Likely to pursue a career that involves conducting research.

4. Likely to pursue a PhD in future.

  1. See Additional file 1 for sample questionnaire