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Table 1

From: Validating the effectiveness of Clinically Oriented Physiology Teaching (COPT) in undergraduate physiology curriculum


1. Maria, a 40 year old woman presents to clinic with complaints of weakness, weight loss and heat intolerance. She had noticed increased appetite over the past few weeks and more frequent bowel movements over the same period. On examination her resting heart rate was found to be 85 beats/minute and the physician noticed slight protrusion of her eye balls and a swelling in the left anterior neck. Plasma TSH concentration was found to be low. She was prescribed propyl thiouracil by the physician.

   a. Name the above endocrine disorder and justify your answer.

   b. Is this a primary or secondary disorder? Why?

   c. In the form of a flow chart describe the regulation of secretion of the hormone involved in the above case.

   d. Mention the mechanism of action of propyl thiouracil.

   e. Give the physiological basis for any one feature mentioned above

2. Give the physiological basis for the following:

   a. Osteoporosis in Cushing's syndrome

Reproductive physiology

1. A 14 year old girl was found to have testes rather than ovaries in the abdominal cavity, on investigation. Further examination revealed that she had epididymis, vas deferens and seminal vesicles, but her external genitalia were female in appearance.

   a. What is your most probable diagnosis?

   b. Explain one possible cause for the above condition.

   c. With the help of a diagram, outline the summary of normal sex determination, differentiation and development in males.

2. Give physiological basis for the following:

   a. Lactation amenorrhea

Renal physiology

1. A medical student meets with a road traffic accident. When his friends brought him to the hospital they noticed that he was feeling intensely thirsty, his respiration was rapid and skin was cool and pale. His BP was 80/50 mmHg. He was given intravenous fluid.

   a. What happens to the GFR in this patient and give the basis for the change.

   b. Describe the compensatory mechanisms initiated by the juxtaglomerular apparatus in this patient.

   c. With reason, comment on the urine output of the above patient.

2. Give physiological basis for the following:

   a. Ability to concentrate urine is as high as 5000 mosm/kg in certain desert rodents